Athletic Model Guild
Muscle men in vintage photo art of famous Athletic Model Guild studio.
Art And Form
Art and Form is designed for art lovers, artists, sculptors, and all others who admire the intrinsic beauty of the human form. We sincerely hope that this presentation of a selection of the best in classic and modern art related to the human form (and we consider photography an art) will serve as both a source of pleasure and satisfaction to our readers as well as an inspiration to strive for higher goals in their daily approach to the problems of life.
Printed in a convenient and durable form on high-quality paper, the magazine will constantly strive to bring before the eyes of the reading public the works of outstanding artists of the brush and camera.
The relative artistic sterility made necessary by an increasingly efficient and businesslike society presents a genuine challenge to the artist and art lover. It is in response to this challenge that we are publishing Art and Form. If through our efforts we can extend the horizon of understanding of and appreciation for the human form only a little, then our basic purpose will be achieved. Welcome to an experience which was the flower of the Renaissance and the glory of Greece and Rome!
Demi-Gods 1
The plain man is the basic clod
From which we grow the demi-god:
And in the average man is curled
The hero stuff that rules the world!
These powerful words by Sam Walter Foss keynote the purpose of Demi-Gods. While Muscle Builder and Mr. America bring to Mr. Foss’ “basic clod” the technical side of bodybuilding, we believe that a physique pictorial such as Demi-Gods will better serve to focus in his mind’s eye the type of muscular ideal possible to a man of his specific bone structure and height. And what a wealth of physique ideals we shall present! Here in Demi-Gods the “average man” of Mr. Foss’ lines will discover outstanding young bodybuilders of his own physique type who will inspire him to heights of muscular greatness. Whether he is by nature the Herculean, Davidean or Apollonian type, he will find in Demi-Gods those who have made the most of their physical heritage . . . demi-gods who have reached the pinnacle of physique fame, each in his own way, and symmetrically, in accordance with his natural gifts and limitations. With the availability of bodybuilding techniques taught so brilliantly in Muscle Builder and Mr. America magazines — with the assurance that in every man are godlike possibilities of which he may be presently unaware — and with pictorial inspiration ever before him in Demi-Gods, he holds the key to muscular greatness. In such a man, as Mr. Foss tells us, “is curled the hero stuff that rules the world.”
We welcome the opportunity of pointing the way.
Muscle male athlete by AMG
Muscle male model Jack Conant
Richard Dubois by AMG
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