Russ Warner
Bodybuilder Jack Thomas
Bodybuilder Bob Rome
an editorial and a statement of policy
Welcome to a new magazine: A magazine with Today as its guiding spirit.
Each issue we will bring you the cream of the new-photographs by the three leading physique photographers of Today: Bob Delmonteque, Vulcan and Russ Warner. We will bring you photo stories of how they work, and biographical information on I heir models.
We will also have an Art Section devoted to the great physique painters of Today. We are happy to have Christopher inaugurate this department. As you look at all these pictures, with their labor and their art, we hope you’ll have fun, and be inspired, too. Fun, because the best of anything should be fun — a concert, literature, the theatre — and inspired because example must encourage emulation.
Thus we come to the practical side of inspiration. Too many young men are denied the opportunity of turning their inspiration into fine bodies for themselves. They are far from an accessible gym, or they are not able to make the heavy investment required for home equipment. It is with great pride that FIZEEK announces the exclusive rights to world famous Physical Educator and TV star Jack LaLanne’s SET-O-MATIC System of home exercises. This series, plus its nutritional guidance, will enable anyone to duplicate, in his own home and without costly equipment. all of the body-building secrets of the physique stars of Today. For it is Today, the here and now, that is imperative. Never mind Greece; never mind Rome: Precedent must remain just that. Parallels can be accepted; the boy in the toga becomes the boy in polished cotton, the gladiator in the arena becomes the sports star in the stadium; and he is none the less worthy, splendid and urgent for it. This is our time, and we speak in our tongue: Let us glory-in it.