Go Guys 1

male vintage physique magazine of 1963

A letter from the publisher

Every young man is the builder of a temple -his body. On this note, GO-GUYS invites you to join us, quarterly, for a picture of the architects of these temples, the youth of America. On the pages of GO-GUYS, four times a year, we will offer you pictures of young men that show both their serious and entertaining sides. What they are thinking about, where they are going, what they are doing. GO-GUYS believes that one of the secrets of staying young is to think young. It is devoted to the up and coming physique personalities of today. We, also, honor yesterday’s stars, because they light the sparkle of admiration in the eyes of today’s youth. And youth is the vibrant muscle of all time. The Greeks idealized it; and the Romans worshipped it. Even today, America’s strength and well-being depend on its young men, and we intend to give them the recognition that is their due. This is an age of miracles and youth is the time of miracles. The miraculous achievements of tomorrow will come from the youth of today-they are the driving force of humanity.

In the pages of GO-GUYS, we will bring you vivid color illustrations of the young physique stars who are making today’s news. The contents will abound with brilliant action shots of these young men in motion. Entertaining and colorful pictorial stories of everyday situations will reveal the light as well as the more serious nature of our young stars.
The format of GO-GUYS should inspire American youth to strive for perfection in mind, body, and spirit. It is their duty to develop healthy, well-rounded personalities as they shape their temples for country and self. And it is our responsibility to encourage them to these goals.

These are our aims and we welcome you, our readers, to be a GO-GUY by keeping up with the current trends in physical culture and supporting us in our campaign for a better youth of tomorrow and today.

Walter Konrad.

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